Local Development Quick Start

The Python Component System (PCS) can also be used within a project you’re developing in your local development environment.

In this quickstart, we’ll work through an example of using PCS in a local project. We’ll start by installing agentos. Run the following in your shell:

pip install agentos

Now, let’s create a new directory for our project and initialize it. Run the following in your shell:

agentos init quickstart
cd quickstart

The agentos init . command creates (in the current directory) a default project that illustrates the usage of PCS in a local development context. You will notice that your directory now contains a components.yaml file along with a number of Python files.

If you inspect components.yaml, you will see a human-readable registry of the different Python classes (found in the newly created Python files) that this project uses. These classes are referred to as Components in PCS and they provide the foundation of any project built to execute in the PCS runtime.

The default project creates an agent that walks down a 1-dimensional corridor by randomly choosing to step left or right. Let’s try to run our default project:

agentos run agent

This command runs the default entry point of the agent Component as defined in components.yaml. If everything is successful, you will see output reporting how many steps your agent took to walk down the whole corridor.

Tracking and Reproducibility

Now that we have executed our program, we can do a crash course in the tracking and reproducibility facilities provided by PCS. Run the MLflow UI in your shell and navigate to localhost:5000:

mlflow ui

You will notice that a run was created when you executed the agentos run agent command.


Fig. 4 The MLflow experiment tracking page.

This run records sufficient information to reproduce the execution of your programs. If you navigate into the run detail page, you will notice two artifacts associated with the run: a registry file and a results file.


Fig. 5 A registry and a results file are associated with your run. The registry file records the information required to reproduce your run.

The registry file records information about the Components instantiated, the command executed, the arguments passed to generate the run. If shared with others, this file is sufficient to allow reproduction of your run.

The second file, the results file, records information about the return value of the run.


Fig. 6 The result file records information about the return value of your run.

Extending Our Agent

PCS is designed to make it easy to modularize your projects at the class level. We will now use PCS to add a new Component to our corridor-walking agent.

Our new Component will simply print an update to stdout whenever our agent walks left or right. First let’s create our new Component. Create the file movement_updater.py in your agent directory and add the following code to it:

class MovementUpdater:
    def update(self, action):
        move_name = "left" if action == 0 else "right"
        print(f"I just moved {move_name}")

Now let’s add this new Component to our registry file, open components.yaml and add the following entry for our Component under the components key:

    repo: local_dir
    file_path: ./movement_updater.py
    class_name: MovementUpdater

Now let’s update our agent Component to depend on the MovementUpdater. Still in components.yaml, update the dependencies entry of the agent Component to include movement_updater. Afterward, the entry should look as follows:

    repo: local_dir
    file_path: ./agent.py
    class_name: BasicAgent
    requirements_path: ./requirements.txt
        environment: environment
        policy: policy
        dataset: dataset
        movement_updater: movement_updater

Now, finally, in our agent class, let’s make use of the movement updater. Let’s open agent.py and update the run_episode() method to make use of the movement_updater. We’ll add a call to movement_updater.update() after each time the agent takes a step in the environment. Update the run_episode() method as follows:

def run_episode(self):
    curr_obs = self.environment.reset()
    done = False
    transitions = []
    while not done:
        action = self.policy.decide(curr_obs)
        new_obs, reward, done, info = self.environment.step(action)
        transitions.append((curr_obs, action, new_obs, reward, done))
        curr_obs = new_obs

Notice that PCS automatically initializes an instance of the MovementUpdater class and adds it as a member to the Agent class. We can now run our agent again to ensure our MovementUpdater Component is functioning as expected. On the command-line, run:

agentos run agent

and you should see output that looks like:

I just moved right
I just moved right
I just moved left
I just moved left
I just moved right
I just moved right
I just moved left
I just moved right
I just moved right

Results after 1 episodes

Great! It looks like our MovementUpdater Component is working as we expected. Because we created MovementUpdater as a Component, PCS is able to track arguments and dependencies of the Component for reproducibility purposes. Additionally, this Component can be published individually and used in other projects separate from the rest of the Components that constitute our agent.

# TODO: sharing